Ancient Civilizations in USA are also closely connected with other Ancient Civilizations of the world. Here is the evidence and I prove it is so in this video.
Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan はやし浩司 Sep 3rd 2012 Japan All copyrights are reserved by Hiroshi Hayashi
Hiroshi Hayashi
Hamamatsu Japan
Sep 3rd 2012
(Ancient Civilizations in USA アメリカの古代文明 Blythe Intaglios Cahokia Surpent Mounds Chaco Culture Mesa Verde 謎のアメリカ 古代文明 謎の点と線 Mystery of USA Hiroshi Hayashi Ancient Culture of USA アメリカの古代文明の謎 はやし浩司 浜松 Japan Sep 3 2012)
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