Aliens used to use the routes directlyfrom Teotihuacan to each foothold before Buddha and Jesus Christ were born, but after they died they changed the routes which passes over the North Pole. Here in this video I show you the mystery about the route to Cappadocia and I prove how they changed the routes.
(古代文明 古代文明の謎 謎の古代文明 カッパドキア Cappadocia Bamiyan Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations Mystery of Lines by Hiroshi Hayashi はやし浩司 謎の点と線 古代文明をつなぐ謎の点と線 Mysterious Lines which connect Ancient Civilizations Stonehenge Cappadoxia はやし浩司 家庭教育 育児 教育評論 幼児教育 子育て Hiroshi Hayashi 林浩司 BW はやし浩司 幼児教室 育児 教育論 Japan はやし浩司 )2012/09/16記
Hiroshi Hayashi+++++++Sep. 2012++++++はやし浩司・林浩司
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